
How Many Clicks Does It Take to Hatch a Dragon Cave Egg

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Dragon Cave ppl discussion

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

For people that are sruggling with Dragon cave, look here. And also for people that cant tell which egg hatches into which dragon

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

If you can get a male and female dragon you can breed them to produce eggs. Each Dragon can only breed once a week, and each breeding produces 1-4 eggs. You are only allowed to keep one from each breeding - the rest go to the abandoned cave. If you raise that dragon you can slowly build a breeding stable.

This has the side-benefit of putting more eggs into the game.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Killing your Dragons - DON'T!
You can "kill" dragons or eggs on your scroll. Don't. If you kill five eggs, your scroll can be "burned" - i.e. you are banned. (Eggs dead from neglect or time don't count towards this.)

If you pick up an egg you don't want from the cave be patient. You can abandon it 5 hours after you stole it.

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

If you do something wrong raising your Dragon it will die. Before it dies however, a notice will be added to its text stating that its shell is soft. This lets you correct the problem.

Softshell: Too many views
If a dragon gains too many views in too short a time it will die. If this happens, hid the egg for a day or so. (Eggs over 3.5 days are more likely to hatch than get this softshell)

Softshell: More clicks than uniques This can kill your dragon quickly. To correct it, post the dragon's image somewhere without the URL, so that it can't be clicked on.

SoftShell: Too many views to unique views If you have more than a ten to one ratio of views to unique views, the dragon's shell may be soft. To correct this post somewhere like a forum with lots of unique members who will give unique views. This ratio is now capped at 15, so you cannot have more than 15 views to 1 unique. Until you get more unique views, further views won't count.

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Saving threatened Dragons
How to get enough clicks.
Don't forget to post your dragons on your website, or possibly on profiles for pages like Facebook and myspace. If you are active on a forum, you can add the BBCode to your signatures for extra views.

If you only have a hundred characters for the signature you can get the Dragon in to recieve views only by missing out the URL portion of the code - e.g. [img:][/i...

If you can't get enough clicks for your Dragons there are a number of fansites where you can post Dragons to get extra views and clicks. A new feature, coming soon will also allow you to request help for your dragons from more experienced players.

1) "Egg sitters"

These are people willing to look after other people's eggs to make sure they hatch by putting them in their signatures on high-traffic forums where they are active. This is also called "fostering".

They can be found on the Dragon cave forum. The rules are given in this thread Intensive Care Unit (Emergency Eggs/hatchlings).

To request an eggsitter, register for the forum, and then PM a sitter your egg request in this format (taken from the first rules post):

Scroll link:
Emergency Egg/Hatchling Codes: [4 Letter dragon code:]
Amount of Time Left: [If your egg has more than 1.5 - 2 days it won't be accepted as an emergency:]
Places Posted:
Other: [Any other problems or requirements for the egg, EG Sick:].

Do not post it in the forum. It will be considered spam and may result in your registration being revoked.

2) Hatchery Sites
Some fansites allow you to post your dragons for clicks. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to let users post their dragons on this lens yet, or I'd add a specific guestbook! There is a full and maintained list of Hatcheries available on the forum:
Hatchery fansites

The best hatchery on the web! deserves a special mention. They have a daycare and hatchery for eggs and hatchlings, and emergency room for dragons with less than 3 days left.

3) Abandoning the egg
Finally, if you can't get anough views or clicks there is always the option to abandon your egg or hatchling. If you have less than one and a half days to go, and have less than 100 views, abandoning it may be the best option. When it is picked up after being abandoned, the egg gains an extra day to get the required hits.

It might not be yours any more, but it keeps the egg or hatchling alive, in the game, and gives someone else a chance to raise one.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Water dragon=This egg is sitting in a shallow puddle.

Gaurdian dragon=This egg is sitting in front of the others.

Magi dragon=This egg has an orange aura radiating from it.

Mint dragon=This egg is hidden behind the others, as if it is shy.

Green dragon=This egg is sitting in a pile of small pebbles.

Skywing dragon=This egg has strange markings on it.

White dragon=This egg has a very clean look. It's completely devoid of dirt and scratches

Red dragon=This egg is rather warm.

Purple dragon=Wow, purple isn't a color of egg you expected to see.

Black dragon=This egg has a faint green glow around it.

Gray dragon=This egg is surrounded by fog.

Pink dragon=It's bright. And pink.

Dark Green dragon=This egg is sitting in a patch of grass and small flowers even though
there's no sun in the cave.

Gold dragon=This egg is very reflective, almost metallic looking.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

* You can have as many fully matured dragons as you like. There is no limit to your scroll.

* Dragons are incredibly hard to kill. (Even when the kill function is used).

* Dragons will not just die. Once they are an adult they are 'immortal'. The ONLY way to kill a dragon is to manually kill it, or if it has an inappropriate description or name.

* Dragons do not get sick.

* If you do not wish to kill your dragon you can release the dragon instead. This allows the dragon to go to the wilderness. The wilderness is a section of the cave where released adults and frozen hatchlings go. (However once in the wilderness you cannot pick things up from there).

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

And this was on the Forum

I looked, and couldn't find anything like this, so here goes.

It seems that of all the holiday dragons, the one people want most are vampires. Just look at the DC fansite wishlist... everyone's asking for vampires. x_x Makes me want to headdesk. Yes, many people, (I believe TJ included), have suggested a bite system. But I when was showering today (the place where all genius ideas start - good hygiene), an idea came to my headache-plagued noggin, and after some mental embellishment in the washroom and using up every last drop of hot water in the house, I had an idea.

What I'm suggesting isn't a Halloween-only thing - it's an all-year round thing. Our vamps are hungry and itching to start nomming eggs, and I doubt anyone's thought it out like me - a way that few people will be able to build massive bloodthirsty armies of doom and leave newbies helpless to get these wonderfully devious creatures.

*They both involve a 'Bite' option. The way I see it, you can try biting once a week. If the action succeeds, you can't try again for a full month. It'd be like breeding - you see a list of your eggs and can pick, so no, Vair can't nom on your gold when you really wanted to vampirize the mint.
*Frozen hatchlings, being presumably weaker and slower that the adults, will have a lower chance of killing or transforming the egg in question.
*Both involve you not keeping the egg when you succeed. 'Member how vampire eggs could magically warp back to your scroll? Vampirized eggs would go straight to the abandoned page. This would be a more goodwill-ish action. Remember, more vampires in existence = more bitten eggs = more vampire eggs in the AP = more chance of your good deeds returning to you.

The aforementioned idea is under extreme scrutiny, so please read the bottom section of this post, or the poll. There's always a compromise.
*Both involve the egg possibly saying "Bitten By", just like the mother and father, and the vampire will have a list of "Eggs Bitten".
*If you kill the egg involved, it does count as a dead egg on your scroll.
*You, as ever, cannot abandon vampires - only kill them. Will they still revive? I dunno, perhaps that is a Halloween-only thing.

I have two ideas. I'll start with the one I like a little less. It's more generic.

Basically, when you bite an egg, you can get three possibilities.

Failure: (Slashes) suddenly lunges at the egg, but you see the attack coming and pull the egg out of the way.
Kill: (Prowls) suddenly lunges at the egg, killing the hatchling forming inside.
And finally, the beloved success: (Artemis Cloudfoot) suddenly lunges at the egg. The egg wobbles once, and its shell starts to brown at an alarming rate as the repugnant stench of decay issues from inside. Horrified, you look to the dragon besides you, and when you look back, the egg has vanished.
Or: (Ascended) suddenly lunges at the egg. The egg wobbles once, and its shell starts to brown at an alarming rate as the repugnant stench of decay issues from inside. Horrified, you take the repulsive egg and hurl it into a nearby cave.

But vampires are rare, and should be, so I think the chances should go something like this.
Failure: 50% adults, 75% frozen hatchlings
Kill: 25% adults, 12.5% frozen hatchlings
Success: 25% adults, 12.5% frozen hatchlings.

And then the second.

This would work more like forcing. Basically, the odds of a basic 'Failure' would always be 50/75 percent. However, the 'Kill' would start at 50/25%, and decrease until the egg had extremely high stats, and 'Kill' was at 0, success taking its place. Usually, you egg would be somewhere in between. Unlike forcing, though, this *could* work on an uncracked egg - it would just need high views to get a better chance of becoming vampirized.

It makes more sense to me - a matured dragon fetus would have a higher chance of surviving an attack than a newly-laid egg, correct?

Other ideas
Since people aren't too keen on not being able to keep the egg.

*Have it work like forcing - there's a chance you keep the egg, a chance you throw it away.
Pros: Allows people to complete collections while still giving a chance to newbies.
Cons: No control

*Keep every 5th vampire you make
Pros: Allows control
Cons: Might take a loooong time

*Have a yes or no option to keep the egg.
Pros: Allows control
Cons: It allows people to build hordes of vampires while newer players can't get any

***Have a limit on how many you can keep - the rest are autoabandoned, but you can still adopt vampire eggs from the AP.
Pros: Allows people to complete collection and get more while still allowing newbies a chance
Cons: Can't find any anymore, actually...PF13 is winning.

*Have vampires be actually to breed with other dragons after a set amount of successful bites
Pros: Allows control, allows people to complete collections while still giving a chance to newbies.
Cons: Goes against description, does not necessarily make sense.

Demonic_miss brought up a good one.

What if, instead of the egg being automaticly abandoned there was a 75% chance that you would get a message like this

"None of your other dragons seem to notice any change, Do you want to keep the egg?"

and a 25% chance of this happening

"[insert dragon name here:] sensed danger in the corrupted egg and kicked it out of the cave"

A kind of combination of the original idea and miroku's idea

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Also will give descriptions for holiday dragons even though they have been over.
Valentine Egg= This egg is speckled and really fragile.

Vampire Dragon: This egg seems cold and dead.

Christmas 2007 = This egg gas festive colors and a holly leaf stuck to it.

Christmas 2008= This egg has festive markings.

Leetle Tree= Oh My. There is a leetle tree among the eggs.

Neglected Dragon= This egg looks sickly and untaken care of.
New Releases that still exist~

Frill Dragon= This egg has strange markings on it.

Geode Dragon= This egg is heavy and feels like if made out of rock. (They way to get a
geode is to breed Stone Dragon X Stone Dragon)

New Pink Sprites= It's bright and pink.

DayDream Dragon =This egg is sitting on a cloud.

Sunset Dragon=This egg is glowing as brightly as the sun.(egg hatches at nightime)

Sunrise Dragon=This egg is glowing as brightly as the sun. (egg hatches in the daytime)

Balloon Dragon= This light egg is floating in the air.

Red/Purple Dorsal Dragons=This egg has multiple bands of color on it. (to get red or
purple is random)

WhipTail Dragons= This egg shakes from time to time, as if it is eager to hatch.

White/Red/Green/Blue Striped Dragon=This egg has brightly colored markings on it. (You
have to breed certain dragons with the white stripe to get blue, red and Green stripe

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Two headed dragon - This egg is split down the middle into two colors.
Paper dragon - It is made out of paper, and is so small and light or
domething that says folded pieces of paper.
Chicken - This egg is a third the size of the other eggs.
Yellow dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored
with white spots. It's much heavier than the other eggs.
Red dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored
with white spots. It's much warmer than the rest of the eggs.
Blue dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored
with white spots. It's much lighter than the other eggs.
Green dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored
with white spots.

Silver cool!

Silver I went to this one scroll that had a bunch of chickens and they were all KFC foods.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Silver yep :) and they had a million gold dragons...

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)


*NO NAME* SO DON'T TRY! teh awesome dude who says hi I want EVERY different type of dragon, none the same.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Allisa White (allisawhite) what is the description for the silver dragon?

message 19: by [deleted user] (last edited Jun 20, 2009 10:33AM) (new)

Silver dragon= This egg gives off a beautiful glow.

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Neglected Dragon= This egg looks sickly and untaken care of.
What do those look like?

*NO NAME* SO DON'T TRY! teh awesome dude who says hi Ugly. Absolutely UGLY!

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Can I see one...?

Allisa White (allisawhite) i still want to see what it looks like. how do you get the other seasonal dragons? i can only find the spring dragons.

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) You get the seasonal dragons according to the seasons. Right now, the springs are in season. Tomorrow, the summer ones will be and come September 21 the fall ones ect. ect. ect.

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) yep tomorrow is the official start of summer! I AM SO DANG EXCITED!

Allisa White (allisawhite) OOOO ME TOO!

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) You have to be fast. I'm serious. The best place to look, though, is in the abandoned egg section. Things are more plentiful there.

Allisa White (allisawhite) yeah. but the abandoned area only has common eggs and hatchlings and hardly any rare. i was lucky to get my pink dragon.

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) That's cause ppl grab them fast.

One thing to look for is that they look really REALLY similar to white eggs only more dull and grey. That always confused me...

Allisa White (allisawhite) how do you get Christmas and valentine and vampire eggs?

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) No it has rare dragons too they just go super fast. You have to be super quick. The mystery eggs are no better...

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Those are holiday dragons so they only come around during christmas, valentines day and halloween T_T I want a vampire dragon!!!

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) they're always in season

Allisa White (allisawhite) ME TOO!

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Before I thought they were given during twilight cause all I saw hatched on nov. 4. I was like 0_0 OKAY THAT'S OBSESSIVE! But then my friend told me they were halloween dragons

Allisa White (allisawhite) cool. so they come out in october?

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) no not really. It's random. A good time, though, is every top of the hour cause when you breed a dragon and have extras, there all abandoned the next hour.

Allisa White (allisawhite) wait. i don't understand. vampire dragons come out whenever?

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) I guess...but like on halloween day cause that's what the valentines dragons were. They came on valentines day

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) No silver dragons do. Silver dragons are always in season

Allisa White (allisawhite) kk. that makes sense.

Allisa White (allisawhite) i guess

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Yeah like 7:00 or 8:00 but really any time might be good. What I did was just like refresh the page over and over and over until I saw one then I tried to get it. It took a lot of attempts for me but it might be easier for you *shrug*

What I really don't like is how people breed and hoard all the gold and silver dragons. That's unfair to the beginners here!

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Oh! and I found out something about neglected dragons: They no longer exist just like these things called zombie dragons. No clue why but I guess something happened and all of them were deleted.

So no neglected dragons *sigh*

Allisa White (allisawhite) yeah. i don't have a gold or silver dragon. my bro has a gold hatchling but other than that...

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Yeah I know seriously...

Allisa White (allisawhite) my bro is sooooo lucky!

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) Yeah he is...

My brother was like 'I GOT A GOLD EGG' And I told him how lucky he was but then I looked and it was just a magi egg...

Allisa White (allisawhite) hehe. that is actually pretty funny.

Xerxes Break(Vivian Ephona) (ephona) I know XD

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How Many Clicks Does It Take to Hatch a Dragon Cave Egg


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